Sanchia Findlin Translations

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I can provide you with high-quality translations from English into German or from German into English in the shortest possible time.

My specialisms: Business, law, technology, tourism and certificates.

Do you need a certified translation? No problem.
I have been sworn in at Stuttgart District Court since 2016.

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I proofread your thesis, application documents, doctoral dissertation or other documents that you have written in English or German and check them for linguistic and content accuracy.

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I will work closely with you to develop a lesson plan and offer you the best possible support to improve your English language skills.

No matter whether face-to-face lessons, online via video conferencing tools such as Skype or Zoom or by sending tasks.

(Final) exams? I would be happy to prepare you for them: Regional studies, literature, grammar or a GFS.

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About me

Growing up bilingual, I always had a special connection to the English language, which then became my passion. I have now turned this passion into my profession.

In 2014, I completed my Master's degree in "Language, Culture, Translation" at the FTSK Germersheim of the University of Mainz. Since then, I have been working as a translator specialising in finance/economics.  

Since January 2016, I have been sworn in at Stuttgart District Court as a "publicly appointed and sworn translator of documents for the English language".
